At first glance, I love you with a thousand hearts.
-Mihri Hatun
Our hearts expanded again on Friday afternoon as we said hello to our son for the first time. Technology is so amazing. We were able to see him smile, measure his hair (1cm), and repeat many times, "Oh, he has your _________." "Look, his __________ is just like yours!" Bless the ultrasound tech! She was so sweet to us and she "ooohed and ahhhed" right along with us like she'd never seen a cuter fetus. We even left there with 5 movie clips on CD of him waving and moving about. Just as it did with Isabella, the 4D ultrasound drove it home that we are about to be a family of four. We (dad and Tommy) spent the majority of the weekend converting an upstairs room into a nursery. I wanted beadboard and though it looks great, it was far more involved than I thought! Oooops, sorry guys! We will paint this week and then add furniture and bedding and accessories and clothing...and then (in 8 weeks, hopefully)....a sweet baby boy.
We are madly in love already.