Sunday, December 04, 2005

Holiday Wine Tasting Party...

Oh what a very fun time we had Saturday night! Tommy and I had our first ever wine tasting party--and we loved it! Each guest brought their favorite bottle of wine with the label concealed. We all tasted the wines and placed votes using corks. There were red wines, white wines, dessert wines, sparkling wines, and more! Doesn't everyone look great? A huge thanks to all of our guests for making the party fun...and for bringing a warm blanket for those less fortunate! We collected 12 comfy blankets!


Anonymous said...

looks like a bunch of fun....where was the beer?????

is that meg in one of those pics. looks like meg. who's the dude. hi meg.

Anonymous said...

Sara, your website is AWESOME. I had a great time looking thru all the pictures and descriptions you wrote. Sounds like you are building a lot of fantastic memories here! Sam B from Berry Dozen/Chickberry/GLU land.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time.

Anonymous said...

Sara, this is so cute. We had a great time at the party. Your are a great hostess. Is that whitney that left the message? The dude is john. She is so funny! Hey whitney! Have safe and happy holidays!

Casey Wallace said...

What a great idea with the charity and all. I wish Mike and I lived closer :(